COUNSELOR Poetry Crisis Line. What is your emergency?
CALLER: Tyger!
COUNSELOR: I’m sorry, did you say–
CALLER: Tyger!
COUNSELOR: Yes, I suppose you did. Are you sure? Do you have the lights on?
CALLER: Burning bright.
COUNSELOR: And where are you?
CALLER: In the forest of the night.
COUNSELOR: Is that near Hell’s Kitchen?
COUNSELOR: Never mind. How do you feel at the moment?
CALLER: Immortal
COUNSELOR: That’s good. They can smell fear. I’m not sure if that’s synesthesia or a mixed metaphor, but they can. Is there something you can give the animal to distract him?
COUNSELOR: Maybe something you don’t need as much.
CALLER: or eye
COUNSELOR: I was thinking something that isn’t, you know, attached. Do you think maybe you could…uh…could–
CALLER: Could frame thy fearsome symmetry
COUNSELOR: Actually, I’m kind of lopsided. Makes it hard to shop for bras.