Poets answer an age-old question: Why did the chicken cross the road? (part 4)


Gil Scott-Heron

The chicken crossing will not be televised

It will not be sponsored by Colonel Sanders or

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The chicken crossing will not be televised

(It might be on YouTube.)

  1. e. cummings

anychick lived in a pretty how coop

and str e  t   c    h     e      d

her chicken legs(white feathers

furled in the even

ing breeze)across

the sunset road because(pick peck)she

wanted(peck)to see


Capital(they didn’t

have those where she was from).

Poets Answer an Age-Old Question: Why did the chicken cross the road? (part 2)

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

Allen Ginsberg

I saw the best hens of my generation destroyed by butchers, roasted, rotisserie-basted,
wandering across the street at dawn looking for a bawdy cock.


Elizabeth Bishop

The art of crossing isn’t hard to master–
when asphalt’s hot, it helps if you cross faster.

Gertrude Stein

The road
is a road
is a road
is a road
to cross
like a boss
and eat moss.


Click here for part 1 (featuring Dickinson, Whitman, and Shakespeare).

Poets Answer an Age-Old Question: Why did the chicken cross the road? [Part 1]

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?


William Shakespeare

To cross or not to cross—that is the question!
Whether ‘tis nobler in the coop to suffer
The pecks and scratches of aggressive chickens
Or set foot upon a dusty roadway
And so, with your toes spread, cross it.

Walt Whitman

O chicken, my chicken
The fearful path is wide
But still you walked across the road
To reach the other side.

Emily Dickinson

Because I could not cross the road
A chicken crossed for me
And pecked the doorbell that would ring
Apartment number three.